Wellness Rituals: Overcoming Seasonal Depression

Warding off the Winter Blues

I have typically beat these bouts of depression, or scientifically coined “seasonal affective disorder” by planning vacations to tropical destinations and spending time with my friends and family, but with the recent spike in coronavirus cases across the country, we will have to get creative with our time and create new ways to find joy and keep ourselves in alignment. It seems as if we went from a balmy, consistent temp of 85 to a chilly 52 degrees overnight in the Bay Area, and I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am already feeling the onset of the Winter Blues. Therefore, I thought it would be timely to share some of my favorite tips on beating the winter blues to make more space for fulfillment during a time that might feel bleak. 

You can try On-Demand Free for 7 days. We’ve got everything you need to move, breathe - and be in your body. Click Here.

You can try On-Demand Free for 7 days. We’ve got everything you need to move, breathe - and be in your body. Click Here.


Regardless of how you do it, intentional physical movement is key in keeping our bodies healthy and our minds happy during these cold winter months.

Exercise is one of the best ways to boost the endorphins in your body and according to Harvard Medical Review, it is the secret to better health, improved mood and mental function. If you notice yourself exercising less because the days are shorter and colder, I get it, I find myself wanting to do the same, which is why sticking to a routine or having an accountability partner can be key during the next few months. Even though my brick and mortar studio, Move With Studio, and most other gyms and studios throughout California are closed, there are still a ton of virtual options available to continue to move, be in your body, and boost your mood.

If you need accountability, check out Move With Studio’s livestream options and take class with me every Tuesday afternoon and Sunday morning. We have a Winter Special running right now, 5 livestream classes for only $55. If commitment is not your thing, our On-Demand Studio is where it is at with over 50 Pilates, Barre and Release classes for you to choose from and take whenever, wherever. Through the first three weeks of December we are running a holiday special of 50% off for your first three months using promocode: HALFOFF. Regardless of how you do it, intentional physical movement is key in keeping our bodies healthy and our minds happy during these cold winter months.

Vitamin D is integral in supporting immune fuction.

Vitamin D is integral in supporting immune fuction.

Vitamin D

I find Vitamin D to be that extra layer of protection I am looking for to keep me functioning optimally, especially moving into winter.

Vitamin D is a key nutrient we typically receive naturally from the sun and is integral in supporting muscle and immune function, plus bone health, as well as helps to improve mood and energy levels. A recent study published by The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism also found that over 80% of COVID-19 patients had a significant Vitamin D deficiency. Moving into winter months where the sun may not be as abundant, or too cold to get outside, it is imperative that we supplement Vitamin D by other means. If you have read any of my past posts, or follow me on Instagram you know I am an avid fan of supplements, including vitamin injections. The last few months I have been getting an additional monthly injection of Vitamin D on top of my usual Vitamin B injections at my local naturopathic doctor’s office, Bright Body. Injections are absorbed better and faster into the body and I find Vitamin D to be that extra layer of protection I am looking for to keep me functioning optimally, especially moving into winter.

You can find this sauna blanket in the Shop

You can find this sauna blanket in the Shop


Heat therapy, especially infrared heat therapy, has a number of benefits including boosting your body’s circulation and immune response, detoxification, relaxation, and reducing pain and muscle stiffness.

Heat therapy is majorly underrated in my opinion, and there is no better way to beat the chill of seasonal depression than finding some warmth, literally, in your day. Sitting next to a fire, taking a hot shower, submerging into an epsom salt bath are all lovely ways to heat up your body and drop your nervous system down a couple notches on cold winter days. My favorite form of finding heat is via my infrared sauna blanket by Higher Dose. I purchased this over summer and it has been a staple in my weekly self-care routine, and has been getting even more use now that the temp in the Bay has dropped. Heat therapy, especially infrared heat therapy, has a number of benefits including boosting your body’s circulation and immune response, detoxification, relaxation, and reducing pain and muscle stiffness. I up the ante on my sessions by taking a cold shower after the sauna to boost my circulation and immune response even more, then finish up with a quick body plane to moisturize and exfoliate my skin. 

The ability to connect with an online community that feels supportive is so important.

The ability to connect with an online community that feels supportive is so important.

Human Connection

Whether it be through an online community or booking Facetime calls with your closest friends, healthy human connection during these times is so important to our mental and physical well-being.

This year, in real life physical contact and connection has been minimized because of the coronavirus, and I know for me and many others, this has been one of the most difficult obstacles of the year. During the summer months it was easy to get outside, meet up with friends and share a “socially distanced” meal and hang, but now that the winter months are here we are having to get more creative with how we fight bouts of isolation and cultivate human connection. Over the last nine months I have participated in three different 40 Day Community Rituals led by dear friend, psychotherapist, energy worker, healer and savvy influencer Shirley Johnson. These Community Rituals incorporate daily Kundalini Yoga meditations, journaling and self inquiry practices, and the ability to connect with an online community that feels supportive. Shirley always facilitates these Community Rituals with raw love, warmth, and authenticity and they have been a source of grounding and reconnection during a year that has been very unstable for me personally. Not only has it been helpful to create a broader sense of community, but these practices have been extremely helpful in giving me the space to reconnect to myself and know that I am the source of my own joy, peace, and stability. Whether it be through an online community or booking facetime calls with your closest friends, healthy human connection during these times is so important to our mental and physical well-being.

I hope these tips were helpful and have given you a few ideas to put in your toolbox. Shoot me a comment below or hit me up on my socials @kelseywieds and let me know some of the ways you stay healthy and happy through the winter months. 

Lastly, I want to note that it is super important for us to feel our feelings, the good and the bad. To sit with them all and acknowledge how and why they appear. The goal is not to always be happy, but to be whole, and to be able to flow with what comes up.

With that being said, depression is real and cases have only gone up since the pandemic. If you or family and friends find yourself in need of a little extra support this season The National Alliance on Mental Illness has a 24 hour helpline: 800-950-6264