Kelsey Wiedenhoefer

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Reopening Reflections

Move With Studio officially reopened its doors Monday, October 12th after Contra Costa County gave gyms and fitness studios the green light to re-open at 10% capacity at the beginning of the month. After having our doors closed for 7 months it has felt so good to be back in the brick and mortar studio and interact with my staff and clients in real life once again.  

Safety has been my top priority and we are taking our time in working our way back to public group reformer classes. We are currently offering private, duet and triplet Pilates sessions and I am seeing a few clients throughout the week for Fascial Stretch Therapy.  If you are interested in booking a session or have any other questions please send us an email at

2020 has tested the limits of my personal and professional boundaries, but it has also given me the space to dig deep, rack my creativity and accomplish some things that had been on the backburner for quite some time. Speaking of… have you checked out Move With Studio On-Demand yet? I am super proud of this new platform we created while sheltering in place and now having the ability to connect with our clients virtually is something we will be able to build off of even once we are fully open and operating at 100% capacity.

What the future holds still seems quite murky and trying to make any definitive plans has been basically thrown out the window for 2020. What I can say is that this year has truly taught me the importance of living in the present moment, how to be nimble on my toes, to accept that our concept  “normal” will never be the same, and that change is good and necessary for our progression forward as a society.